Dr Elena Bacash
Chiropractor & Acupuncturist, Director Fairfield Wellness
I had the vision for Fairfield Wellness two decades ago when I was training to become a yoga teacher and soon after commenced 5 years of study
in the field of Chiropractic completing my training with a Masters of Clinical Chiropractic. Fairfield Wellness is now in its 7th year of operation and
the vision was to create a collaborative health space for workshops, a multi-modality clinic and yoga studio where like-minded practitioners come together to
collaborate to assist their patients and clients improve their health and wellbeing.
I love to study and learn and I use different techniques tailored to the individual's needs. I have studied the following techniques:
Activator - instrument adjusting
SOT - Sacro-occipital Technique - incorporates cranials
Applied Kinesiology (Certification) - muscle testing, cranials, organ-muscle relationships
NET - Neuro Emotional Technique - stress and emotional release technique
Acupuncture - 2023 completed Masters in Acupuncture at RMIT University
I am also a practitioner of the Pregnancy Webster Technique, treating women with pelvic pain and pelvic instability. The
Webster Technique balances the sacrum and sacroiliac joints as well as ligaments around the pelvis during pregnancy.
‘The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of
sacral subluxation/ sacroiliac joint dysfunction. In so doing neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.’ (ICPA- International
Chiropractic Paediatric Association)
In my experience from receiving chiropractic treatment myself, the greatest benefit besides decreasing pain and increasing range of
movement is its calming effect on the nervous system - moving from a stressed, red alert, freeze or hyper vigilant state to the rest and digest
state of ease. Everyone, of any age, can experience the benefits of a chiropractic.
Chiropractic may help with the following complaints
neck pain, stiffness and headaches
Jaw pain
Vertigo and dizziness
Rib pain
Back pain including back spasms and disc lesions
Joint sprains and muscle strains
Shoulder, hip and knee pain
We have the following:
A variety of chiropractic techniques including manual and low force
Care for pregnant women, children, athletes and elderly
EFTPOS and HICAPS facilities to process private health fund rebates immediately
Bulk billing for x-rays close by if required.
Flexible hours, evening/morning and Saturday appointments
close to public transport and car parking available in front of clinic.
Beautiful, calming, light-filled premises. SMS reminders
Quality practitioner-only supplements and pillows sold
I take Chiropractic appointments Monday afternoon and all day Tuesdays and Thursdays, Friday mornings and every Saturday mornings. If you would like to book in for a chiropractic appointment with me, call (03) 9486 8382.