Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Yoga Philosophy Course with Elena Bacash
Yoga means union. The union is the spaciousness of consciousness merging with the whole. It is us knowing ourselves to be an integral part of the whole, to know that we belong.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is one of the 3 texts that we should understand on our journey to freeing ourselves from the turmoil of the 3 worlds of physical, emotional and mental pain. The text describes the process of union. This union is between the personal self and the higher self and leads to freedom or samadhi.
In Book I of the Yoga Sutras, samadhi pada, we learnt about Union and samadhi or liberation from the above mentioned turmoil, and the hinderances to union in relation to the 5 thought spirals called the vrittis that stop us from reaching meditative states. We also learnt that in order to achieve we need constant perserverence and effort and detachment from our preferences. We also learnt we couldl achieve internal peace through focus on mantra, breathing regulation and different concentration exercises.
In Book II Sadhana Padad we will go into the practices that will help us achieve union - we will cover Kriya Yoga and Astanga yoga - the 8 limbed path as we explore this through the writings of Patanjali through modern teachers.
Please join us even if you haven't done the first book with us, we will provide you with a summary. Sessions will include meditation and discussion of each sutra.
The course runs in 4 week blocks (weekly Tuesday evening classes).
Date: current 4 week block starting Tuesday 4th March 2025. Next block TBC.
Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm
Cost: $180 per 4 week block.
Please book and pay in advance as spaces are limited.
Ph: (03) 9486 8382
Email: info@fairfieldwellness.com.au
Meditation is a transformational process, and our meditation classes focus on the process of taking our awareness inward. You can learn to meditate with our experienced instructors who offer meditation for beginners. Our lives are usually focussed on external tasks, doing this that and the other and rushing around, but in meditation we learn to be still with what arises inside of us and we learn to focus our minds. This focus helps us to rest in the experience of what is happening called ‘Being’ (this is the opposite of ‘Doing’). This process helps us to create space when life is challenging or the stress levels rise!
Our Full Moon Meditations are curated to the specific energies of each full moon and with our experienced instructors you will be able to find a space of stillness during the intense energies of the full moon. Jo Anderson and Peter Joy who are Gita Yoga trained teachers will be leading the full moon meditations at Fairfield Wellness, and will talk you through the energies of the specific full moon.
Thursday 13th Feb - 7:15pm
Thursday 13th March - 7:15pm
Thursday 10th April - 7:15pm
Thursday 15th May - 7:15pm
Thursday 12th June - 7:15pm
Thursday 10th July - 7:15pm
Thursday 7th August - 7:15pm
Thursday 4th September - 7:15pm
Thursday 9th October - 7:15pm
Thursday 6th November - 7:15pm
Thursday 4th December - 7:15pm
Please note: Meditations will be held the week of the full moon not the specific dates of full moon peak*
*These monthly meditations are available to those who are signed up to our newsletter*
Speak to one of our friendly staff to secure your spot!
Ph: (03) 9486 8382
email: info@fairfieldwellness.com.au
145C Station St, Fairfield, 3078