Pregnancy Massage or Prenatal massage is specialist therapeutic bodywork that focuses on the needs of the mother as her body goes through the dramatic changes during the stages of pregnancy.
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome is a fairly common issue especially coming into the warmer seasons when people get back into the gym and regular exercise after their winter slumbers.
Surya Chandra or the Sun Moon breath is about bringing balance into the body
“May the trials of my life become the clay with which I create my life.”
A generation ago, people used to talk about having a ‘bad back’ as if it was a mystical health problem that was poorly understood.
Today, most people know that back pain is a very common and potentially serious health issue – but many still aren’t sure what to do about it – and we want to change that at Functional Chiropractic and Wellness in Nth Fitzroy.
A great soup to support your adrenals and may also assist in increasing energy in combination with other treatments.
Each full moon provides us with an opportunity to focus on different qualities. Providing seed thoughts each month for deepening meditation practice.