Full Moon in Gemini / Festival of Humanity/ World Invocation Day part 1
Full Moon in Gemini / Festival of Humanity PART 1
love, light and power
Since 1952 WORLD INVOCATION DAY has been observed at the full moon in Gemini invoking the spiritual energies of unity, peace and justice. (Please see the Great Invocation at the bottom of the article. This is said regularly to invoke or draw down energies to help a challenged world find peace)*.
There are three great spiritual festivals of the year and this full moon marks their culmination. These three festivals are:
- Easter or the full moon at Easter in Aries - the month we focus on UNIVERSAL LOVE AND ETHICS. It is universal because we are aiming to take the love we have for ourselves and those closest to us and expand that to everyone in the understanding of the UNITY OF BEING… (even the people who cut us off in the car on the way to work!)
- The full moon in Taurus or the Wesak Festival/ Festival of the Buddha where we learn about MIND, WISDOM or LIGHT.
- The last of the Spiritual Festivals, the Gemini Full Moon, this is the Festival of Humanity and we focus on our WILL, POWER and PURPOSE to balance opposing forces within us.
In these three Festivals we have the balance of the energies of MIND, ETHICS and PURPOSE. So, we can ask ourselves are these balanced within us? Where can we express more LOVE? (probably in the car on the way to work!!!). Where do we need to refine the INTELLECT, discipline the MIND in concentration (away from worries and regret). And finally, what action can we take through our PURPOSE, our WILL and our POWER? (maybe it’s as simple as refusing to gossip at work, or putting 100% into our most menial tasks, in order that the energy around that work is of the highest order?).
What happens if these three energies are out of balance?
- LOVE and MIND without WILL to move goes nowhere.
- MIND and WILL without LOVE become lethal (we have seen this time and time again in history).
- WILL and LOVE without MIND lead to interference.
It is a time of culmination, when the energies of the two full moons before will stream through us to stimulate the seven areas of human endeavour in order to create the New World based on interdependence and cooperation. These fields of our endeavour are:
- Political
- Financial
- Educational
- Spiritual
- Philosophical
- Scientific
- Artistic
The reason we come together to meditate at the full moon is so that we can act as focal points of the energy of unity, oneness and collaboration. This leads to international understanding and global unity and creates the freedom we all crave after.
The symbol of Gemini is the twins – Castor and Pollux, Castor was mortal and Pollux was immortal. The constellation Castor is formed by three stars which represent the physical, emotional and mental bodies of our personalities. Pollux represents the Soul or the inner being, the timeless part of ourselves.
It’s said that over the last 300 years the light of Castor is waning and the light of Pollux is waxing. Pollux the symbol of the soul is getting brighter as humanity is undergoing expansions in awareness around spiritual realities. This brings us closer to the ideal of Oneness and brotherhood as we start to cooperate instead of compete. As the immortal brother increases in power and brilliance, the mortal brother decreases.
Through Castor and Pollux we can see the way duality works out in our daily lives. It is the dualities that we are working to unify throughout our incarnation. The dualities are between the Soul and personality; between pleasure and pain; cooperation and competition; right and wrong; humility and arrogance; silence and speech.
*The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Universal Mind
Let light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Universal Heart
Let love stream forth into human hearts.
May the Masters return to Earth.
From the centre where Universal Will is known
Let purpose guide all the little human wills -
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Wood, L. Lucas, D. 1986 Full Moon Meditation, An Evolutionary Journey. Khuti Foundation Publications. Gita World https://www.gitaworld.international/
Bailey, AA. 1974 The Labours of Hercules. New York. Lucis Publishing Company
Lucis Trust. Full Moon Meditations https://www.lucistrust.org/
Saraydarian, Torkom. 1988. Symphony of the Zodiac. Saraydarian Institute.
Morbi tempus porttitor libero et commodo. Nulla ultricies adipiscing sapien, eget condimentum nulla auctor eget. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla vel lobortis augue. Cras non neque a nulla ultrices pellentesque. Sed suscipit, purus ac porttitor scelerisque, nisl odio pulvinar neque, vulputate auctor sapien quam in lacus. Duis faucibus odio sed eros lacinia, nec rhoncus sapien convallis. Integer pellentesque turpis sit amet purus feugiat auctor. Cras in metus sed justo eleifend porta. Sed consectetur dui erat, et aliquam erat aliquam vitae. Etiam iaculis, sapien in posuere varius, ante nunc consectetur tortor, non tempus mauris risus ac neque. Fusce venenatis elit ut sapien bibendum vestibulum. Nam sapien arcu, interdum vel consequat vitae, adipiscing vitae ligula. Integer posuere, tortor in consectetur congue, risus ipsum interdum ante, sed porttitor erat dui id diam. Donec ut mi pellentesque, imperdiet sapien sed, egestas ante.