Yoga for our Times
written by megan jones
These are the days when we need all the support we can get to keep ourselves in a good headspace and even manage an overview of what is happening in our lives and the greater world.
These are the days for yoga.
Yoga has been around for thousands of years through wars, famines, pandemics and life’s upheavals and it has guided its practitioners to be grounded, healthy and connected. Once you engage in yoga your life is never the same because it slowly focuses on your body, mind and spirit to bring balance.
There are many ways yoga achieves this balance and some of these are particularly important right now with the stresses of Lockdown.
Yoga works on our endocrine glands – the seven main glands which tip hormones directly into our bloodstream. These seven main glands are supported by seven main chakras – wheels of energy – which gradually lift our consciousness and awareness.
One of the most important glands is the pituitary which is deep in the brain at the eyebrow centre. When we invert the head, we squeeze the pituitary which has the effect of strengthening our body’s production of the endorphins - the feel good hormone – which helps us deal with stress and anxiety.
Also deep in the brain is the hypothalamus and when this is squeezed the “love drug” oxytocin is released giving us that warm fuzzy feeling, helping us bond and trust other people.
Yoga’s great message is “actions follow thoughts” and a good yoga teacher will direct your awareness to where to focus the mind as you work through your asanas.
But for now, during Lockdown, you are in charge of your practice and where you are directing your mind. Here is a place to start - Surya Namaste, or Salute to the Sun works on all your glands, on your central nervous system, your digestive and elimination systems, your breathing and your emotions. It’s a Chill Pill to start your day. Three rounds when you get out of bed each morning will tune up your body.
You’ll be supporting your immune system and your happiness hormones will help you smile through your Lockdown day.