Yoga at Fairfield Wellness
for Mind, Body & Spirit
Classes at Fairfield Wellness:
gentle Yin/restorative YIN - Wednesday 6:30pm
Gita Hatha - Thursday 6PM
Mat Pilates - sATURDAY 9:30am
Bookings can be made online via the website or Mindbody app, over the phone at (03) 9486 8382, or in person.
Payment cannot be made online, only over the phone or in person.
Our yoga styles include Gita Hatha Yoga, and Restorative Yin Yoga.
Our classes integrate stretching, physical postures, relaxation, breathing exercises, concentration, inward focus and philosophy.
Please note our yoga studio is upstairs. We also have far infrared heat panels which we use for gentle heating in winter.
Casual classes $22*
Bulk buy 5 classes for $75.
*please note that 5 class passes expire 6 months after date of purchase
Yoga and Meditation are transformational processes for the mind, body and spirit.
Yin Yoga
This style of yoga targets the deep connective tissues of the body (vs. the superficial tissues) and the fascia that covers the body; this yoga is to help regulate the flow of energy in the body.
Yin Yoga postures are more passive postures, and is unique in that you are asked to relax in the posture, soften the muscle and move closer to the bone. Yin offers a much deeper access to the body. Postures are generally held for three to five minutes, trying to access the deeper tissues such as the connective tissue and fascia.
Many of the postures focus on areas that encompass a joint (hips, sacrum, spine). As we focus on increasing our flexibility in the body and the mind Yin yoga is a wonderful way to maintain that flexibility.
A great yoga for both active and non-active people who really need to work into the fascia, muscles and down towards the bone.
This intimate practice of yoga requires students to be ready to get reacquainted with the self, with feelings, sensations, and emotions.
Gita Hatha
Balance Your Hormones
Hatha Hatha yoga is a form of yoga which means that we move through the poses in an aligned sequence called a flow. It works through a series of postures to align the brain, the respiratory system, the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system and the seven endocrine glands. We combine these postures with pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) to address the stressors and tensions which causes imbalances and in turn creates dis-ease and illness.
Whichever form of yoga you enjoy, you will achieve greater flexibility, increased stamina and find yourself calmer and less tense.
You don’t need to be flexible to do yoga because yoga is so much more than simply twisting the body into really difficult postures. It is about developing inner poise and outer poise – the physical postures are one of the ways we use to start to do this.
In order to achieve this poise or balance we need to practice all the parts or limbs of yoga – that is, we practice ethics in our daily lives; learn how to control the breath because this helps us to maintain our energy levels and emotional equilibrium; we withdraw the senses inwardly so we have quiet time, to make us aware of our internal landscape and its effect on ourselves and others.
So ultimately in our yoga practice we develop physical poise, a steady emotional response, and a still mind. All of which enables us to make the life a living meditation.
The Director of Fairfield Wellness, Dr Elena Bacash, Chiropractor has been involved in yoga since 1998 and completed her Gita Yoga teacher training in 2001.
She wanted to create a yoga space where everyone feels welcome no matter what their physical ability, age or experience.
About the Yoga Classes
Our class sizes are small, around 10 people so that the teachers are able to give students the attention they need and tailor classes accordingly.
Classes can be attended on a casual basis or by buying bulk.
Casual classes are $22
Special bulk buy $75 for 5 classes
We encourage students to book their classes in advance online or by ringing the clinic to reserve their spots: 03 9486 8382